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I write with raw emotion the same way Van Gogh used color, form, and texture on a canvas. I mix emotion with logic; left and right brain merged to paint a clear and beautiful picture into my strange world and unique perspectives.
Great ship captains are not made in calm seas. While overboard and treading in turbulent waters, I discovered the roadmap to enlightenment through the power of writing. Our unique individual realities are defined by our perspectives of the probabilities in the world around us.
One of my goals is to pave the way for us to find peace. Join me to discover faint whispers of enlightenment gleaned by a shift in one's perspective.
A Post-Afghan American War Project
Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Waves are the end-product of Tesla's energy, frequency, and vibration synopsis. A fundamental line of code in our mathematical operating system that's expressed in poetic wordplay. The frequency of words will unlock your mind.
I cast stones in the ocean to watch the waves intersect. I write about those ups, downs, and intersections of life.
If you'd like to help the words flow from my fingers and encourage the butterfly flaps in our Chaos, check out the marketplace or donate below. Words are weapons against war.
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